I'd like to thank for all kind feedbacks and compliments that we received concerning Page 62 - Part D. They are very encouraging and they inspire us to keep producing quality models & dioramas and showing finest quality pictures. Comments and suggestions are welcome in my Model Maniac Forum
011 - 020 : Vignette "Soviet Paratroopers, Afghanistan 1986" using Zvezda's figure set of the same name - by "Joh":
021 - 031 : Vignette "U.S. Check Point, Afghanistan 2012" using Master Box's U.S. Check Point in Iraq - by "Joh":
032 - 041 : Vignette "Gebirgspioniere, Metaxas Line" using Dragon's figure set - by "Joh":
042 - 051 : Vignette "Frozen Battleground" using Dragon's Frozen Battleground, Moscow 1941 figure set - by "Joh":
052 - 058 : Figure: MiniSoldiers' 2nd Lieutenant Parachute Inf. Regt. (Normandy 1944) - by "pj":
059 - 065 : Vignette "German Tank Crew at Rest" - by "pj":
066 - 074 : Figures: Panzer Regiment 7 using Dragon's Panzer Regiment 7, 10. Panzer Division Smolensk 1941 figure set - by "pj":
075 - 083 : Vignette "Casualties of War - Germans" - by "pj":
084 - 092 : Vignette "Casualties of War - Russians" - by "pj":
093 - 101 : Diorama "WWII British Leader" using Riich's WWII British Leader Set and Tamiya's new British Motorcycle M20 w/ Military Police - by "pj":
102 - 114 : Diorama "Hand-to-hand Fight : British - German, North Africa" using Master Box's figure set - by "pj"
- Italeri's Land Rover 109 LWB 1:24
- Meng's Pick Up with Equipment
- Zvezda's German Command tank
- ICM's Lend-Lease Truck w/ ZIS-3 Gun
- Italeri's Jagdpanzer IV Ausf.F L/48
- Meng's Vs Kfz 617 Minenruamer
- Andrea's Figure 54mm Adolf Hitler 1939-1945
- 120mm German Panzergrenadier Kharkov
- Figures : Schnellboot Crew using ICM figure set
- Vignette "US Marine Battle of Hue"
- Vignette "Getting Some Kick" (Soviet Soldier & his captive)
- Figures : Hasegawa's (FineMolds) German Infantry (Winter)
- Diorama "Green Berets in Vietnam" using Dragon's Green Berets and Thanan's Bunker
- Figure: 120mm 101st Airborne Division, Normandy 1944 (1:16)
All by "pjareanwanit" or "pj"
- Trumpeter's USS Independence LCS-2 1:350 (finished)
- Lindberg's IJN I-53 Submarine with Kaitens 1:72 (finished)
- Hasegawa's IJN Aircraft Carrier AKAGI 1:350 w/ PE Upgrade Sets A,B,C and SuperDetail Set, w/ PitRoad's IJN Seaman WWII
- Dragon's German Battleship Scharnhorst 1943 1:350 + Dragon's Scharnhorst Upgrade Set
+ MK1's Scharnhorst Detail-Up Set + MK1's Scharnhorst Wooden Deck
By "Niphon"
- Roden's Fairchild AU-23A 1:48 RTAF
- Trumpeter's Tu-160 1:72
- Tamiya's T-34/76 + Aires' VT-34 Recovery Vehicle Conversion Set 1:35
- Academy's OH-58D Kiowa Warrior 1:35
- Trumpeter's Me-262 A-1a Heavy Armament 1:32
- Tamiya's Japanese WWII Battleship "Musashi" 1:350 w/ local made PE parts (3 sheets)
- Revell's SMS Emden 1:350
- ICM's Markgraft Battleship 1:350
- Trumpeter's Russian Cruiser Admiral Lazarev (Ex Frunze) 1:350 w/ PE upgrade sets from Lion Roar
All by "Tazmanian"
- Figures: Late Imperial Legion 1:72 using Italeri's figure set
- Figures: French Mounted Knights 1:72 using Mini Art's figure set
- Hobby Boss's Russian KV-I Model 1942 "Simplified Turret" 1:48
- Vignette "Fallen Comrade" using Dragon's figure set having the same name
- Vignette "U.S. Navy SEALs II" using Dragon's figure set having the same name
All by "Joh"
Some kits in stock that I just can't wait for them to be built!:
- Academy's German WWII Battleship Admiral Graf Spee 1:350 Premium Edition (another one)
- Trumpeter's Russian Cruiser Pyotr Velikiy 1:350 w/ PE Guardrails & Radar from LionRoar
- AFV Club's German type VIIB 1:350 w/ PE upgrade set from Voyager
- AFV Club's German type VIIC 1:350 w/ PE upgrade set from Voyager
- AFV Club's German type VIIC/41 1:350
- AFV Club's German type VIID 1:350
- AFV Club's Japanese Navy I-19 Submarine 1:350 w/ I-19 Detail Up from AFV Club
- AFV Club's Japanese Navy I-58 Submarine Early Version 1:350
- Trumpeter's Cv-14 Ticonderoga 1:350 w/ PE BigEdition from Eduard
- Tamiya's Mogami - Japanese Aircraft Carrying Cruiser 1:350 w/ Detail Up, w/ MAM's brass barrels
- Tamiya's Mikuma - Japanese Light Cruiser 1:350
- Trumpeter's HMS Repulse 1941 1:350 w/ Upgrade Set from Lion Roar and Wooden Deck from MK1
- Trumpeter's HMS Hood 1:350 w/ Trumpeter's Upgrade set, Eduard PE set and Wooden Deck from MK1
- Trumpeter's Moskva, Varyag and Admiral Panteleyev 1:350 w/ LionRoar's PE Guard Rails & Radars
- Tamiya's Musashi 1:350 w/ Wood Deck from MK1
- Trumpeter's USS Lassen DDG-82 1:350
- Hasegawa's IJN Yahaki 1:350 w/ MAM's brass barrels
- Monochrome's IJN Destroyer Akizuki 1:350
- Trumpeter's USS Massachusetts BB-59 1:350
- Tamiya's Bismarck 1:350 w/ PE upgrade set from Eduard and Wooden Deck DX from MK1
- Dragon's German Battleship Scharnhorst 1:350 Premium Edition w/ PE Upgrade Set from Dragon, Detail-Up Parts and Wooden Deck from MK1
- Alanger's K-407 Russian Nuclear Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine (NATO Delta IV Class) 1:350
- Alanger's Typhoon Class Nuclear Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine (another one) 1:350
- Aoshima's Japanese Navy Battleship Kongo 1:350
- Aoshima's Japanese Navy Heavy Cruiser Atago 1:350
- AFV Club's Gato Class Submarine 1941 1:350
- AFV Club's Gato Class Submarine 1942 1:350
- AFV Club's Gato Class Submarine 1943 1:350
- Tamiya'a Japanese Navy Submarine I-400 w/ Voyager's PE Upgrade Set 1:350
- Aoshima's Japanese Navy Submarine I-41 w/ Landing Crafts 1:350
- Pit Road's IJN Escort UKURU Type-A 1:350
- Pit Road's SSN-571 Nautilus 1:350
- Hobby Boss' Italian Heavy Cruiser Pola (1941)
- Hobby Boss' U.S.S. Virginia SSN-774 1:350
- Hobby Boss' German Navy Type VII-B U-Boat 1:350
- Monochrome's German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen 1:350 w/ Wooden Deck from MK1
- Airfix's Trafalgar Class Submarine 1:350
- Dragon's U.S.S. Yorktown (CG-48) + Soviet Alfa 1:350
- Dragon's German Z-39 Destroyer 1:350 Smart Kit with Basic Parts Upgrade Set from Orange Hobby
- Mirage's U-511 IXC (turn I + WGr42) German Submarine 1:350
- Mirage's U-176 IXC (turn II) German Submarine 1:350
- Hobby Boss's DKM Type VII-A U-Boat 1:350
- Hobby Boss's German Navy Type VII-B U-Boat 1:350
- Hobby Boss's DKM Navy Type VII-C U-Boat 1:350
- Hobby Boss's DKM Navy Type IX-A U-Boat 1:350
- Hobby Boss's DKM Type IX-B U-Boat 1:350
- Hobby Boss's DKM Navy Type IX-C U-Boat 1:350
- Aoshima's Heavy Cruiser "Chokai 1942" Takao Class 1:350
- Zvezda's Russian Battleship "Borodino" 1:350
- Trumpeter's German Zerstorer Z-25, 1944 1:350
- Dragon's U.S.S. Gearing DD-710 (1945) 1:350
- Dragon's U.S.S. The Sullivans DDG-68 1:350
- Dragon's U.S.S. Laffey DD-459 1942 1:350
- Bronco's German Long Range Submarine U-IXC 1:350
- Trumpeter's PLA Navy 051C DDG-115 Shenyang 1:350
- Trumpeter's PLAN Type 033 Submarine & SH-5 Observation Seaplane 1:350
- Hobby Boss's PLAN Type 035 Ming Class Submarine 1:350
- Bronco's Chinese 039G "Sung" Class Attack Submarine 1:350
- Bronco's Kang Ding Class Frigate 1:350
- Bronco's Russian Akula II Class Submarine 1:350
- Academy's U.S.S. Reuben James FFG57 (Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate) 1:350
- AFV Club's USN Submarine Guppy IB Class (Italian Navy SS Leonardo Da Vinci) 1:350
- Hasegawa's IJN Destroyer Type Koh "Isokaze" Super Detail 1:350
- Trumpeter's USS England DE-635
- Micro-Mir's WWII Soviet Submarine K-21 1:350
- Italeri's U-Boot Biber 1:35
- FineMolds' IJN Midget Submarine A-Target Type A "Sydney Bay" 1:72
- Riich's USS Los Angeles Class Flight III (688 Improved) Attack Submarine 1:350
- ICM's "Kronprinz" WWI German Battleship 1:350
- Zvezda's K-3 November Class Nuclear Submarine 1:350
- Bronco's Russian Project 955 "Borei" Yuri SSBN Submarine 1:350
- Trumpeter's USSR Aircraft Carrier MINSK 1:550
- Trumpeter's F-100D 1:32
- Trumpeter's A-10A/N 1:32
- Italeri's F-86F 1:32
- Trumpeter's Grumman F4F-3 "Wildcat" 1:32
- Academy's MiG-29AS Slovak Air Force 1:48
- Hobby Boss' F-105 G "thunderchief" 1:48
- Hobby Boss' MiG-17 PFU Fresco E 1:48
- Amodel's Mil Mi-10K Soviet "Flying Crane" Helicopter 1:72
- Zvezda's Mil Mi-24V/VP Hind E 1:72
- Zvezda's Mil Mi-35M Russian Attack Helicopter 1:72
- Zvezda's Sukhoi Su-30KN Russian Multirole Fighter 1:72
- Zvezda's Sukhoi Su-33 Flanker-D 1:72
- Zvezda's Sukhoi Su-50 (T-50) 1:72
- Hasegawa's MiG-29 Fulcrum "Russian MiGs" 1:72
- Hasegawa's MiG-21 & MiG-17 Combo 1:72
- Italeri's F/A-18 Hornet 1:72
- Italeri's F-104G Starfighter 1:72
- Italeri's F-15C 1:72
The list goes on...