22 April 2013 : Today I proudly present Model Maniac Page 68 - Part B. In this Part, "Pramuk Kiatjarungphan" presents three new warships he built in this month. Starting from USSR Aircraft Carrier MINSK 1:550 from Trumpeter, followed by USS San Francisco CA-38 1944 1:350 also from Trumpeter and topping it off with HMS Repulse 1941 again from Trumpeter + LionRoar's Multi-Media Upgrade Set (PE parts, resin parts, brass barrels) + MK1's Wooden Deck. As always, I hope you'll enjoy viewing.
I'd like to thank for all kind feedbacks and compliments that we received concerning Page 68 - Part A. They are very encouraging
and they inspire us to keep producing quality models & dioramas and showing finest quality pictures. Comments and suggestions
are welcome in my Model Maniac Forum
and in my Facebook Group named Model Maniac
Here's my latest creation on the Internet, please try!: My Soundcloud Page (Best Sounds of The World)
My quest for GWR Title (please read my comments there down the page): GWR Page
201 - 240 : Trumpeter's USSR Aircraft Carrier MINSK 1:550 - by "Pramuk Kiatjarungphan"
241 - 278 : Trumpeter's USS San Francisco CA-38 1944 1:350 - by "Pramuk Kiatjarungphan". It's really hard to believe that he could finish two ships, i.e. the Minsk above
and this one in just three days. He got them from me on 1 April afternoon and returned them finished on 5 April morning!. He had only 4 nights + 3 days or around 84 hours
and this included the time for eating, sleeping and doing all other things. It's surely not an overstatement to say that he's a wonder builder!
279 - 314 : Trumpeter's HMS Repulse 1941 + LionRoar's Multi-Media Upgrade Set (PE parts, resin parts, brass barrels) + MK1's Wooden Deck - by "Pramuk Kiatjarungphan"
Even the most complicated ship with the most intricated detail-up sets imaginable like this one took him only 16 days. He got it on 5 April and returned it finished on 22 April.
For my other ship builders this would take a year or two. I could have taken more pictures if I had more battery power, it was an abrupt ending just like the real ship.
- Trumpeter's German Panzertragerwagen
- Meng's French AUX-1
- Hobby Boss's PLA ZSD89 APC
- Hobby Boss's Israel Merkava ARV
- Panda's Russian 2S6M "Tunguska"
All by "Art Instructor"
- Figures : Schnellboot Crew using ICM figure set
- Vignette "Getting Some Kick" (Soviet Soldier & his captive)
- Figure : U.S. Infantry Private '68 (resin) (finished)
- Figure : U.S. Infantry Sergeant '68 (resin)
- Vignette "USMC Officer & RTO, Vietnam" (2 resin figures w/ base)
- Diorama "Head for the Huey" using Master Box's figure set
- Diorama "Viet Cong" using Dragon's figure set
- Figure "Panzergrenadier Kharkov 1943 1:16 (resin kit)
- Figure "WWII German Winter Soldier 1:16 (resin kit)
- Meng's Pickup w/ ZU-23-2
All by "Pinut Jareanwanit" or "PJ"
- Orange Hobby's Swedish Navy Visby Class Corvette "Harnosand" 1:350
- Hobby Boss's German Navy Submarine Type VII B 1:350
- Bronco's German Long-Range Submarine U-IX C 1:350
- Tamiya's Patrol Boat River "PBR" Pibber 1:35
- Revell's German Wiesel Ozelot 1:35
- Airfix's F-86F 1:72
- Zvezda's Su-33 1:72
- AFV Club's Japanese Navy I-19 Submarine 1:350 w/ Voyager's Upgrade Set
- Dragon's USS Livermore DD-429 1:350
- Dragon's USS Laffey DD-459 1:350
All by "Toom" (Art Instructor's big brother)
- Amodel's Mil Mi-10K 1:72
- Italeri's F-86F 1:32
- Trumpeter's F-100D 1:32
All by "Nipon"
- Trumpeter's HMS Type 23 Frigate - Kent (F78) 1:350
- Hobby Boss's USS Greensville SSN-772 1:350
All by "Pramuk Kiatjarungphan"
- Hobby Boss's MiG-23M 1:48 (finished)
- Hobby Boss's F-105G 1:48
- Hasegawa's Kawasaki T-4 1:48 (finished)
- Tamiya's Mess. Bf-109E 1:48
- Hasegawa's Mess. Bf-109E 1:48
- Zvezda's Mil Mi-35 1:72
- Italeri's JAS Grippen 1:72
All by "Arthit Sukthavon"
- Figures: Late Imperial Legion 1:72 using Italeri's figure set
- Figures: French Mounted Knights 1:72 using Mini Art's figure set
- Warship : Aoshima's Roman Warship
- Figures :Waterloo's Greek Cavalry 1:72
- Diorama "The Barrage Wall" using TriStar's figure set
- Diorama "German Don Cossack, Balkans 1944"
- Diorama "Bunker Pierwszej Lin II - 1st Line Bunker" using Delta Model's bunker
- Armor : Trumpeter's KV-1 M1942 Light Weight Cast Tank 1:72
- Armor : Italeri's ISU-152 1:72 (2 pcs)
All by "Joh"
- Roden's Fairchild AU-23A 1:48 RTAF
- Trumpeter's Tu-160 1:72
- Tamiya's T-34/76 + Aires' VT-34 Recovery Vehicle Conversion Set 1:35
- Academy's OH-58D Kiowa Warrior 1:35
- Trumpeter's Me-262 A-1a Heavy Armament 1:32
- Tamiya's Japanese WWII Battleship "Musashi" 1:350 w/ local made PE parts (3 sheets)
- Revell's SMS Emden 1:350
- ICM's Markgraft Battleship 1:350
- Trumpeter's Russian Cruiser Admiral Lazarev (Ex Frunze) 1:350 w/ PE upgrade sets from Lion Roar
All by "Tazmanian"
Some kits in stock that I just can't wait for them to be built!:
- Academy's German WWII Battleship Admiral Graf Spee 1:350 Premium Edition (another one)
- Trumpeter's Russian Cruiser Pyotr Velikiy 1:350 w/ PE Guardrails & Radar from LionRoar
- AFV Club's German type VIIB 1:350 w/ PE upgrade set from Voyager
- AFV Club's German type VIIC 1:350 w/ PE upgrade set from Voyager
- AFV Club's German type VIIC/41 1:350
- AFV Club's German type VIID 1:350
- AFV Club's Japanese Navy I-19 Submarine 1:350 w/ I-19 Detail Up from AFV Club
- AFV Club's Japanese Navy I-58 Submarine Early Version 1:350
- Trumpeter's CV-14 Ticonderoga 1:350 w/ PE Big Edition from Eduard
- Tamiya's Mogami - Japanese Aircraft Carrying Cruiser 1:350 w/ Detail Up, w/ MAM's brass barrels
- Tamiya's Mikuma - Japanese Light Cruiser 1:350
- Trumpeter's HMS Repulse 1941 1:350 w/ Upgrade Set from Lion Roar and Wooden Deck from MK1
- Trumpeter's HMS Hood 1:350 w/ Trumpeter's Upgrade set, Eduard PE set and Wooden Deck from MK1
- Trumpeter's Moskva, Varyag and Admiral Panteleyev 1:350 w/ LionRoar's PE Guard Rails & Radars
- Tamiya's Musashi 1:350 w/ Wood Deck from MK1
- Trumpeter's USS Lassen DDG-82 1:350
- Hasegawa's IJN Yahaki 1:350 w/ MAM's brass barrels
- Monochrome's IJN Destroyer Akizuki 1:350
- Trumpeter's USS Massachusetts BB-59 1:350
- Tamiya's Bismarck 1:350 w/ PE upgrade set from Eduard and Wooden Deck DX from MK1
- Alanger's Typhoon Class Nuclear Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine (another one) 1:350
- Aoshima's Japanese Navy Battleship Kongo 1:350
- Aoshima's Japanese Navy Heavy Cruiser Atago 1:350
- AFV Club's Gato Class Submarine 1941 1:350
- AFV Club's Gato Class Submarine 1942 1:350
- AFV Club's Gato Class Submarine 1943 1:350
- Tamiya'a Japanese Navy Submarine I-400 w/ Voyager's PE Upgrade Set 1:350
- Aoshima's Japanese Navy Submarine I-41 w/ Landing Crafts 1:350
- Pit Road's IJN Escort UKURU Type-A 1:350
- Pit Road's SSN-571 Nautilus 1:350
- Hobby Boss' Italian Heavy Cruiser Pola (1941)
- Hobby Boss' U.S.S. Virginia SSN-774 1:350
- Hobby Boss' German Navy Type VII-B U-Boat 1:350
- Monochrome's German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen 1:350 w/ Wooden Deck from MK1
- Airfix's Trafalgar Class Submarine 1:350
- Dragon's U.S.S. Yorktown (CG-48) + Soviet Alfa 1:350
- Dragon's German Z-39 Destroyer 1:350 Smart Kit with Basic Parts Upgrade Set from Orange Hobby
- Mirage's U-511 IXC (turn I + WGr42) German Submarine 1:350
- Mirage's U-176 IXC (turn II) German Submarine 1:350
- Hobby Boss's DKM Type VII-A U-Boat 1:350
- Hobby Boss's German Navy Type VII-B U-Boat 1:350
- Hobby Boss's DKM Navy Type VII-C U-Boat 1:350
- Hobby Boss's DKM Navy Type IX-A U-Boat 1:350
- Hobby Boss's DKM Type IX-B U-Boat 1:350
- Hobby Boss's DKM Navy Type IX-C U-Boat 1:350
- Aoshima's Heavy Cruiser "Chokai 1942" Takao Class 1:350
- Zvezda's Russian Battleship "Borodino" 1:350
- Trumpeter's German Zerstorer Z-25, 1944 1:350
- Dragon's U.S.S. Gearing DD-710 (1945) 1:350
- Dragon's U.S.S. The Sullivans DDG-68 1:350
- Dragon's U.S.S. Laffey DD-459 1942 1:350
- Bronco's German Long Range Submarine U-IXC 1:350
- Trumpeter's PLA Navy 051C DDG-115 Shenyang 1:350
- Trumpeter's PLAN Type 033 Submarine & SH-5 Observation Seaplane 1:350
- Hobby Boss's PLAN Type 035 Ming Class Submarine 1:350
- Bronco's Chinese 039G "Sung" Class Attack Submarine 1:350
- Bronco's Kang Ding Class Frigate 1:350
- Bronco's Russian Akula II Class Submarine 1:350
- Academy's U.S.S. Reuben James FFG57 (Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate) 1:350
- AFV Club's USN Submarine Guppy IB Class (Italian Navy SS Leonardo Da Vinci) 1:350
- Hasegawa's IJN Destroyer Type Koh "Isokaze" Super Detail 1:350
- Trumpeter's USS England DE-635
- Micro-Mir's WWII Soviet Submarine K-21 1:350
- Italeri's U-Boot Biber 1:35
- FineMolds' IJN Midget Submarine A-Target Type A "Sydney Bay" 1:72
- Riich's USS Los Angeles Class Flight III (688 Improved) Attack Submarine 1:350
- ICM's "Kronprinz" WWI German Battleship 1:350
- Zvezda's K-3 November Class Nuclear Submarine 1:350
- Bronco's Russian Project 955 "Borei" Yuri SSBN Submarine 1:350
- Hobby Boss's USS Los Angeles Class SSN-688/VLS/688I 1:350
- Italeri's Vosper 72' 6" MTB 77 1:35
- Hobby Boss's French Surcouf Submarine Cruiser 1:350
- Hobby Boss's Soviet Victor III Class (Project671R) 1:350
- Orange Hobby's HswMS "Visby" Class Corvette 1:350
- Planet Model's U-Boot Typ II D 1:200
- Mirage's I-506 U-IX D1 Turn IV 1:400
- Hasegawa's USS Gambier Bay 1:350
- Hobby Boss's USS Greenville SSN-772 1:350 (2nd one)
- Flagman's German U-Boat Type IX A/B 1:350
- Trumpeter's HMS Battleship Warspite 1942 1:350
- Trumpeter's HMS Eskimo Destroyer 1941 1:350
- Trumpeter's F-100D 1:32
- Trumpeter's A-10A/N 1:32
- Italeri's F-86F 1:32
- Trumpeter's Grumman F4F-3 "Wildcat" 1:32
- Academy's MiG-29AS Slovak Air Force 1:48
- Hobby Boss' F-105 G "thunderchief" 1:48
- Hobby Boss' MiG-17 PFU Fresco E 1:48
- Amodel's Mil Mi-10K Soviet "Flying Crane" Helicopter 1:72
- Zvezda's Mil Mi-24V/VP Hind E 1:72
- Zvezda's Mil Mi-35M Russian Attack Helicopter 1:72
- Zvezda's Sukhoi Su-30KN Russian Multirole Fighter 1:72
- Zvezda's Sukhoi Su-33 Flanker-D 1:72
- Italeri's Sukhoi Su-34 1:72
- Zvezda's Sukhoi Su-50 (T-50) 1:72
- Hasegawa's MiG-29 Fulcrum "Russian MiGs" 1:72
- Hasegawa's MiG-21 & MiG-17 Combo 1:72
- Italeri's F/A-18 Hornet 1:72
- Italeri's F-104G Starfighter 1:72
- Italeri's F-15C 1:72
- Italeris' B-25G 1:72
- Hobby Boss's Su-47 (S-37) Berkut 1:72
- KP Models' Lavochin LA-7 1:72
- Italeri's B-24D Liberator 1:72
- Hasegawa's Lightning F Mk.6 Combo (2 kits) 1:72
- Hobby Boss's F-14D Super Tomcat 1:72
The list goes on...